Time has flown by far too quickly once again, and I haven’t been able to keep up with the blogging. So here’s a summary snippet of what I’ve been up to since getting back from my trip at the end of January…
Went to Mammoth with Staci & her family, and attempted snowboarding again after 5 years off the mountain. Frustrating at times, but fun and it was beautiful!

Organized anther Night Dive event and it was once again a fun successful evening! The theme was "science fair" so here's the photobooth we set up for people to take free pics at.

Went hiking to a pretty waterfall. Wish I had time go hiking more often. I will have to try to make it a priority...

Joined a Monday night bowling league, our team name is the “Waves of Fury”. Although we have lots of room to improve, it has been tons of fun drinking beer and bowling with friends.

Went on a mini vacay to visit Ann in Monterey (she's back in California!) and the MRods in San Francisco. We visited the Monterey Bay Aquarium and California Academy of Sciences, two awesome facilities.

Unfortunately, my car was vandalized while parked in Golden Gate Park. Boo. Thanks to "team broken window" for helping me deal with it all, you gals rock!

Also hosted a Grilled Cheese challenge with friends at my place. We all made different types of grilled cheese samples to share and judge. The winner was dill havarti & tomatoes on rye grilled with mayo instead of butter--yum!

Went on our 6th Annual Camping trip. Drank beer, played laddergolf, went to the beach, took a walk, sat around, the usual...

I've also been busy and hard at work. (With a little bit of fun, of course.)

There you have it, February, March and April summed up in a post!