…has consisted of strolling under majestic redwoods, sipping wine while taking in a phenomenal view, bottle feeding adorable otter pups, and watching the sun set into the Pacific with my love.
I still terribly miss parts of my old life…talking to friends every day, just hanging out, getting together for book club, beer club, or whatever other clubs I may concoct. Seeing family, playing with my nephew and watching his daily growth and development. Having a fulfilling career, doing work that I care about, connecting with people and touching lives.
Yes, I miss all that. I have to remind myself that it's okay to miss it all, as long as I don't wallow in that longing. So even though there are things that I miss, I am now surrounded by the smell of pines and the sound of waves. I hang out with nature, the trees, bay and beach are my friends. I am able to volunteer my time and do work that is important, rewarding, and unlike anything else I have done before. I am building a home with the wonderful man that I love. These are the beautiful experiences filling up my new life and I am thankful for them every day.