Sunday, July 27, 2008

Welcome, August

The month is coming to a close, and I'm looking forward to leaving July behind. It has been one of those months, where I feel like I may be going a little crazy, like I may be losing my mind just the tiniest bit. A scatter-brained, eye-twitching, sad, busy, and stressful kind of month...My grandfather passed away. Taught my two weeks of camp at work. Managed to forget four (yes, FOUR!) birthdays, and if it weren't for my friends reminding me over and over again, I would have forgotten five. Forgot to pay a credit card bill and my cell phone bill. Trying to plan and get my butt in gear for the vacation I'm going on soon. Attempting to finish reading book club book before book club meeting takes place... Yes, I've been a bit overwhelmed.

But alas, August is upon us, and I will have a fresh start. It's already looking like a good month, with the release (finally!) of Breaking Dawn, and my 2 1/2 week Pacific Northwest road tripping adventure.

Goodbye July, Hello August.

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