Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Sitting in a Cafe on a cloudy day...

Temps are in the 60s today and it's cloudy and breezy outside. In Southern California, that means Fall is here. It's a nice change. Every once in a while, I like not seeing the sun.

I'm sure you'll all be happy to know that I have electricity. (hooray!) Who knew that it was such a glorious thing. Not that I mind sitting around by candlelight every once in a while, but having light when you want it is great too. Since I've barely gotten the electricity thing done, I haven't gotten around to hooking up to the internet yet. Which I should do very soon, because it's starting to get annoying not having instant access to the rest of the world. Today is not so bad though. I'm sitting here at a nice cafe in Long Beach, called Portfolio, which has free wireless access. Sipping my vanilla latte, enjoying the cold afternoon. And TRYING to work on this application that is due very soon. I'm a procrastinator. Always have been and always will be. I spent most of yesterday shopping instead of working on it. But I need to get this thing done. ASAP. Yet, I'm sitting here writing this entry...

The apartment is great. Tiny, but all mine. I'm so close to the bike/walking path and am trying to force myself to take advantage of it. Last week, I woke up early and went for a run before work. That's a start, right? Speaking of running--I need to pick up on an exercise routine again. I was doing so well from March to June, working out at least 5 days a week. But then things got busy, and I've been slacking since. Today was my first attempt at starting up again, and I actually made it to the gym. Let's hope things continue...

So my great accomplishment this past weekend: staying awake for an entire movie! My record has been less than stellar the past few months, but I'm turning things around. Chan and I went to see Flags of our Fathers on Saturday evening, and even though I was hungover earlier in the morning and had a long and busy day at work, I made it through the entire movie without even a head nod. Yay.

Well, a happy halloween to you all. Until next time. (as in the next time i have internet access.)

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