Thursday, January 31, 2008

A Good Year

As I reflect upon my twenty-sixth year on this earth (as my last day at twenty-six, I thought it would be an appropriate moment to have such reflections), I have come to the conclusion that it has been a pretty good--no, a very good--year. This time last year, I was truly dreading turning twenty-six, but it has turned out to be rewarding and fullfilling in many ways...

1. I made a big decision to try something new. The decision to work on the American Pride meant that I had to leave my position at the Zoo. It meant leaving a place I enjoyed and was comfortable being at. It meant doing something I had never done before (work on a boat, but not just any boat--crewing a 130' tallship.) It meant being out on the water for long periods of time (I do get seasick, afterall.) It meant taking a big chance--because I could quite possibly be terrible at the job or be miserable doing it, or hate it even. But I made myself take the chance--when else would I have an opportunity like it again? I am so glad I took the chance, because it was such an amazing experience. My time on the Pride wasn't always wonderful--there was hard work involved, hard lessons learned, and even some tears--but those moments, as well as the great moments, all contributed to helping me grow as a person, both personally and professionally.
2. I snorkeled and hiked and kayaked and slept under the stars all summer.
3. I got a full time job. I like it and am still learning a lot from it.
4. I saw more whales than I ever thought I would or could in one year (fins, grays, blues, humpbacks, orcas--so awesome!)
5. I traveled abroad. Going on traveling adventures--something I always dream about, something I wish I could do more often! It has been a while since my passport has been stamped, and I was lucky enough this year to be able to travel to India for Reshama's wedding. It was a great trip--I witnessed a beautiful wedding, traveled to many wonderful places (wow, I still can't believe I've been to the Taj Mahal!), and met so many neat and interesting people. I was reminded why I love traveling so much--having that moment of freedom; seeing, feeling, experiencing something new; reading another page of the story...

All in all, it has been a good year. Although, I haven't found the love of my life yet. Well, there's always year twenty-seven...

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I found year 27 to be the year I found the love of my life. You never know. Well, actually it was the very end of the 26th year, but by the time we realized it would be a long term thing, I was 27. How about that?! Anyway, Happy B-Day Jane. I wish I had been there to witness the party. Miss ya!

