Miles driven today= 0
Total miles driven= 1503
Princess Cupcake's 8th birthday party celebration was today. We packed up the car and went over to the home of a friend of Jennifer's, where the birthday bbq was taking place. While the food was cooking and the decorations were being put up, I spent most of the late morning and early afternoon laying in the hammock and re-reading Breaking Dawn (I liked it the first time, but am loving it so much better this second time around. It's a brilliant book!)
We had a delicious bbq lunch (All home-made by Jennifer, of course. Boy, am I being spoiled with food here!)--chicken, fried potatoes, macaroni salad, beans, and watermelon. Princess Cupcake opened her presents, which included a lot of books (she loves to read), and a brand spankin' new pink bike.
It was another warm day, in the 80s, and all the Washington folk were very sweaty and uncomfortable. It was funny--since they are from Washington and not used to the unusually warm weather, they were not enjoying it at all. Being from Southern California, I sometimes have to endure temperatures that surpass the 100 degree mark, so the weather wasn't that bad to me. It's all a matter of perspective and what you're use to, I guess. They were talking about how the weather is perfect when it's in the 50s and 60s, which made me want to cringe, since anything below the 60s and 70s is a bit cool for me, haha.
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