The Breaking Dawn pre-midnight release party I threw at my place was tons of fun. Over twenty of my Twilighter friends attended, and we spent the evening hanging out, snacking, drinking, and playing fun Twilight games. I had a “Kisses” guessing game, Twilight trivia, and a raffle (which was rigged for me to win—my great friends caught me by surprise and totally embarrassed me! Thank you guys!) Kellyn made an amazing Twilight board game, and Raelene made cute “worry doll” Twilight Character game pieces for us to play with. After the party, most of us headed over to our local bookstore to await the midnight release of the book. We participated in a trivia raffle game, then sat around until we had to line up outside. The bookstore gave away four prizes that night, and three of them went to our group! Staci won a Breaking Dawn t-shirt, Anitza won the Twilight movie poster, and Kristen won a signed copy of the book. It was great! I had a wonderful night, and am glad everyone else did too!

So here we all are, shortly after getting our books. We are all adult women (many of us are married women!), being nerds and indulging in the fun of a teenage vampire love story =D
If you want to see more photos from the party, check out the rest of Anitza's Pictures (especially if you want to see Raelene's "worry dolls". My favorite is Jacob.) I'll post my pics up on my flickr soon.
I finished the book early Sunday morning, and thought it was wonderful (with one exception, but that is easily forgivable). To avoid giving spoilers, I won’t go into too much detail about my opinion on the book, but I will say this--I don’t think it deserves all the disappointment and gripe that it is getting from fans. I don’t think they are fully appreciating it the way they should. After calming down and letting go of their prior expectations for Breaking Dawn, I hope these fans will revisit the novel and give it a second chance.
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