Miles driven today= 298 + 11 miles around town
Total miles driven= 731
# times I got lost today= 3 (hoping this doesn't happen anymore!)
Today, I'm giving thanks for several things:
1. Yahoo maps. Not sure how I would've gotten to some places without its directions.
2. REAL-in-your-hands maps from AAA. For the moments when Yahoo maps failed me. Which happened a couple of times today.
3. Cute road workers. For the moments when Yahoo maps & regular maps fail because road construction is occurring. I would still be driving in circles right now, if it weren't for the guy that helped me out. I actually had to hail him from the road (the one I wanted to be on), and he off-roaded a bit & drove over to the side road I was on (the one I didn't want to be on but didn't know how to get off of) and nicely pointed me in the right direction.
4. That I enjoy country music. Because that's pretty much all you'll find out here in the middle of nowhere, and I don't mind one bit.
So, my drive to Ashland took a bit longer than expected due to my little "getting lost" detours, but I arrived with a good portion of my day left to explore the area. Checked into my hotel and took a quick break, then drove into the main part of town. Had a yummy late lunch at a sandwich shop, Big Town Hero. Ashland is a very cute place, with a quaint and easily-accessible park. Ashland Creek runs through Lithia Park, and I took a walk along it for a while. After exploring the park, I went home to rest a little bit more, before heading to the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. I saw their free Green Show, featuring the Indian music of Bindaas. Right before leaving for my trip, I was able to get a last minute ticket for one of OSF's plays, a wild-west adaptation of Shakespeare's "The Comedy of Errors". The show was in their outdoor Elizabethan Theatre, and it was great. Although the ticket was a little pricey, I am so very glad I went.
Visiting Mesha on the Oregon Coast tomorrow!
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