Miles driven today= 0
Total miles driven= 1503
On the itinerary this morning was to hike down to the beach during low tide. Had my home-made toast and honey breakfast again, we packed up some sandwiches for our lunch at the beach, then made our trek down hill. It was nice seeing more of the property and being outside on another beautiful and sunny day. Along the path, we came across two deer (my first deer sighting!) and some bear scat (hmm, made me a little nervous.)
The long stretch of beach was covered in algae and eel grass, which squished under our feet as we walked across it. I explored the beach a bit--there were anemones buried in the sand, sand dollars here and there, quite a few moon snail egg cases, and lots and lots of clam shells. One of the things I was very excited about doing was digging for clams, since I had never done it before. Jennifer said that if we found any, she would cook them up for us to eat. So, Princess Cupcake and I went around looking for good areas to dig up to look for our clams. Apparently, the easiest way to find them is to watch for water squirting up from the sand, which is what the clams usually do when the tide is coming in. The tide was coming in when we were down there, but they weren't squirting, so we had to go hunt for the little holes in the sand where we thought they might be. After digging and digging different areas, we finally struck gold! We went around to several different areas, and finally found a little over a dozen clams. Later that evening, Jennifer floured and fried up our two big clams, and steamed the smaller guys for Princess Cupcake and I to have as our appetizers before dinner. It was neat being able to eat clams that I personally dug up. Yay, my first clamming experience!
After hiking back up from the beach, we walked down to the mailbox and looked at a cute little log cabin that is also on their property. The rest of the day, I spent playing with my camera, reading, and relaxing in the hammock.
It was just another day hanging out in Robin's Woods!
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